We will be raffling an Atlatl with 3 custom darts.
Drawing will be on Saturday, September 2nd, 3 pm at the Antique Rifle and Indian Artifact Show.
Tickets at the event for $5 each or 5/$20 (Supports Chapter Activities)
Join the Jefferson County History Center and North Fork Chapter 29 of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology at the 17th Annual Antique Firearms and Indian Artifact Show on Saturday, August 31st from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Bring the family and explore two buildings with over 100 tables of exhibitors and vendors from across the state.
The firearms building emphasizes 19th century western Pennsylvania gunsmiths and includes accouterments, antique and modern rifle recreations of both flint and percussion rifles with many for sale.
The archaeological building will present some of the finest privately held collections of prehistoric and historic Native American artifacts from this region. Items for display and sale will include flint tools and points, ground stone items, pipes, beadwork, pottery and publications.
Experts in both buildings will be available throughout the day to answer questions about their interests and provide free evaluation and identification of rifles or artifacts brought in by the public.
New this year will be a special speakers area where attendees are invited to learn from short lecturers by experts from both venues. Check back for the schedule.
Enjoy the food concession and other events through the day, including special raffles, children’s activities, primitive games, flint-knapping demonstrations and the popular atlatl throwing area.
The fairgrounds are located on Route 28, ¼ mile north of PA Interstate 80, exit 81. For table reservations or additional information, call the History Center at 849-0077 or email kburkett-jchc@windstream.net.
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